
Published on:

20th Feb 2025

Celebrating women in podcasting!

Feeling inspired, ladies? It's your time to shine!

For those of us who might feel a bit disconnected from the whole “women in podcasting” narrative, let’s break it down. It’s not just about feminism or equality; it’s about the heart and soul of storytelling.

This episode clues us into an an important event - The Women Podcasters Awards - which will highlight some stellar content that deserves more than just a casual mention.

The link to enter is here -

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Speaker A:

In this episode, we're shining a well deserved spotlight on an event that's celebrating some of the best voices behind the mic.

Speaker A:

And they just so happen to be women.

Speaker A:

Hi, I'm Amelia Knight, associate producer at Podnos Podcasting.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'm talking about the Women Podcasters Awards.

Speaker A:

And if you've not heard of it, you've clearly been living under a wi fi deprived rock.

Speaker A:

These awards are all about recognizing dating women who are smashing it in podcasting.

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Whether they're telling us compelling stories, dropping industry knowledge, or making us laugh as though we cry.

Speaker A:

Now, why should you care?

Speaker A:

Besides the fact that women make up a massive chunk of podcast audiences, they're also leading the charge when it comes to innovative, relatable content.

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And let's be honest, podcasting's been a bit of a boys club for far too long.

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These awards are flipping the script, to use a pun.

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Categories in the Women's Podcasters Awards cover everything from business and education to comedy and true crime.

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Because let's face it, true crime is basically a national obsession at this point, an international obsession, in fact.

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The judging panel is stacked with industry pros who know their stuff, ensuring that only the best of the best are going to be taking home the trophies.

Speaker A:

And if you're sat there thinking, yeah, but I'm not a woman, so what's this all got to do with me?

Speaker A:

Well, bucko, here it is.

Speaker A:

Celebrating diverse voices makes podcasting better for all of us.

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Different perspectives, fresh ideas.

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And let's be real, sometimes women just tell better stories.

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Now, if you're a female podcaster listening in to this episode, take this as your sign to throw your hat into the ring, imposter syndrome be damned.

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If you're producing great content, you deserve the recognition.

Speaker A:

And if you're not quite there yet, well, you know where to find pop master Neil for a little bit of coaching.

Speaker A:

So here's your action item.

Speaker A:

Go check out the nominated podcasts, support these creators, leave some reviews and share their shows.

Speaker A:

And if you're inspired to enter yourself, you'll find the link in the episode description or go to Podmastery Co Women Awards.

Speaker A:

The Pogmaster is a Podnos production.

Speaker A:

Find out more about us@podnos podnos.

Show artwork for Podcasting Insights with The Podmaster: growth advice for people and brands

About the Podcast

Podcasting Insights with The Podmaster: growth advice for people and brands
Helping you attain podcasting mastery
Want podcasting insights? I'm 'The Podmaster', here to help you with podcasting growth whether you're a brand or an individual who's looking to grow your podcast and attain 'podmastery'.

My name is Neal Veglio and I've been in the podcasting game since 2001, when I became the first person in the UK to upload audio of my then radio show online, and generate an audience.

This audience followed me throughout my radio career and engaged with my various other podcasts.

But it wasn't always easy.

And when I took a career break from radio for a few years in 2007, I had to learn how to build audience without the lift of an FM frequency.

I now help other podcasters to achieve their goals through my company Podknows Podcasting.

Each episode, I'll be offering you some insights into what I've done and what I've helped my clients do with our podcasts in the hope we can help YOU increase your podcast's chances of becoming more successful!

And ensuring you can avoid the dreaded 'podfade'!

About your host

Profile picture for Neal Veglio

Neal Veglio

As the UK's longest serving podcaster (having started in 2001 before it was even known as a 'thing') I've seen a lot of changes to the industry. Having launched more than 100 podcasts over the years, I help brands and entrepreneurs to get their marketing messaging out 'in the wild', but in a compelling, not boring way.