Episode 6

Published on:

15th Jul 2023

Forget social media promotion - make connections: Mark Asquith's thoughts on genuine podcast audience growth

Unveiling the truth behind podcast growth TACTICS

Contains strong language so don't listen if you're a sensitive little soul.

When we’re talking about podcast promotion, most of us have one clear idea in our heads of what that looks like.

It’s grabbing a clip of our show, and then either popping that on social media, natively if it’s a video clip, and with a waveform and image if it’s audio only.

But that’s not going to help you grow your podcast audience.

Leveraging platform audience to build your own audience.

It just won’t.

For one thing, these platforms don’t want you stealing their members away from them, and so any kind of link or landing page share is going to result in your post’s reach being tanked. So how DO you market your podcast on social media?

This is where I’m drafting in Mark Asquith, co-founder of Captivate.

Leveraging Social Media for Podcasting

Let's talk social media - a tool that can help foster these genuine connections when used properly. Threads has barely been out for a week, and already the conversation in our space has been all about how to use it to grow podcast audience.

Mark Asquith compares Instagram Threads to the early days of Twitter. Simplicity and nostalgia - a combination that could certainly appeal to the masses. But Mark is quick to approach the topic cautiously, highlighting the truth that many miss… these platforms are not to be solely used as promotional machines.

'Feed drop'

Despite the plethora of communication channels we have today, podcasters need to have the fundamentals of marketing in their arsenal. After all, wielded right, the power to communicate effectively can work wonders. Solid marketing principles not only helps one assess their content and audience correctly but also guides in making strategic decisions to affect growth positively.

In his most recent episode, Mark Asquith talked about the myth of the 'magic wand effect' many so-called marketing gurus claim to possess.

His words resonated with me so much, I abandoned my plans to create my own podcast episode about this topic, and instead decided to share and amplify his.

So here’s a ‘feed drop’ of his episode of “The Podcast Accelerator” in which he shares more on this topic.

Stuff to check out

Support Mark Asquith by sending him a tip or buying him a beer at markasquith.live

Consider using Captivate, the podcast hosting platform created by Mark Asquith.

Here's where you can get more episodes of Mark's fantastic podcast "The Podcast Accelerator".

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 - Introduction

00:01:12 - Leveraging Social Media for Podcasting

00:02:44 - Introduction to Mark Asquith

00:03:51 - Sharing Mark Asquith's Episode

00:05:09 - The Importance of Marketing in Podcasting

00:13:00 - Understanding the Different Channels on Instagram

00:13:46 - Introduction to Threads

00:14:27 - Misleading Advice on Using Threads

00:17:22 - No Silver Bullet for Podcast Growth

00:19:37 - Be a Human Being on Social Media

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Show artwork for Podcasting Insights with The Podmaster: growth advice for people and brands

About the Podcast

Podcasting Insights with The Podmaster: growth advice for people and brands
Helping you attain podcasting mastery
Want podcasting insights? I'm 'The Podmaster', here to help you with podcasting growth whether you're a brand or an individual who's looking to grow your podcast and attain 'podmastery'.

My name is Neal Veglio and I've been in the podcasting game since 2001, when I became the first person in the UK to upload audio of my then radio show online, and generate an audience.

This audience followed me throughout my radio career and engaged with my various other podcasts.

But it wasn't always easy.

And when I took a career break from radio for a few years in 2007, I had to learn how to build audience without the lift of an FM frequency.

I now help other podcasters to achieve their goals through my company Podknows Podcasting.

Each episode, I'll be offering you some insights into what I've done and what I've helped my clients do with our podcasts in the hope we can help YOU increase your podcast's chances of becoming more successful!

And ensuring you can avoid the dreaded 'podfade'!

About your host

Profile picture for Neal Veglio

Neal Veglio

As the UK's longest serving podcaster (having started in 2001 before it was even known as a 'thing') I've seen a lot of changes to the industry. Having launched more than 100 podcasts over the years, I help brands and entrepreneurs to get their marketing messaging out 'in the wild', but in a compelling, not boring way.